When we hiked to find the lake behind our cabin, we were seeking adventure but got more than we bargained for! We never expected six hours in we would be questioning the need for a helicopter rescue! Having climbed 3000 plus feet over, across and through all types of terrain to get to the mountain-top logging roads, we could not find the one road that would lead us back down to the ocean. One thing for certain, we could not traverse down the way we had climbed up. This is when I knew we were on a real adventure because I was a little afraid!
On the top of our mountain, we walked every logging road and they all lead to dead ends! We knew there was a road down based on our mapping but could not find it. After exhausting all options, we took a chance that this one area, overgrown with brush and covered by a huge fallen tree, had to be our escape route. It was!! After six hours we were elated. It only took two hours to cut through the brush, rocks and fallen trees on the long-abandoned road to get to our exit point.
The pictures shown are of us seven hours into our adventure. The views were spectacular! Views that made it all seem worth it. Views that made us forget our crazy 5 hours bushwhacking up the mountain and the hour searching and feeling desperate to find our way down. These views were views we would never see if we were not willing to set out on our adventure that day.
I am thankful that this adventure ended well. It showed me that I am glad I have always pushed myself to try new things. It showed me that it serves me well to work at staying healthy and strong as a 52 year old. I want to live a life of adventure and value that life is best lived when you push yourself and are okay to be a little afraid!